Umberto Romano, Diana, c. 1930. Oil on canvas. [Acc. #2007.08]
Walker Hancock, Head of a Finnish Boy, 1939. Painted plaster. [Acc. #2640.1]
George Demetrios, Marcia Gronblad: Finnish Girl, 20th century. Bronze. [Acc. #2532.4]
Margaret Fitzhugh Browne, Portrait of Joe Rice of Annisquam, c. 1930. Oil on canvas. [Acc. #2008.53]
Samuel F. Hershey, Ellie [Portrait of Eleanor Weber Hershey, the artist’s wife], 1930. Oil on canvas. [Acc. #2543]
Peter Vincent, Howard Blackburn, Undated. Egg tempera on board. [Acc. #2887]
John Sloan, Old Cone (Uncle Sam), 1914. Oil on canvas. [Acc. #2736.1]
Alfred J. Wiggin, Portrait of General Benjamin F. Butler , 1869. Oil on canvas. [Acc. #1618]
Alfred J. Wiggin, Portrait of Nathalie D. Clough , 1868. Oil on canvas. [Acc. #2085.49]
Moses B. Russell, The Wonson Twins, c. 1846. Oil on canvas. [Acc. #1994.81]
Gilbert Stuart, Portrait of Russell Sturgis, 1815. Oil on canvas. [Acc. #2218]
Edward Potthast, Portrait of a Fisherman, 1900. Oil on canvas. [Acc. #1999.70.1]
Susannah Paine, Hannah Fuller Smith Stanwood (1803-1834), 1834. Oil on wood panel.
Milton Avery, Rothko with Pipe, 1936. Drypoint etching on paper. [Acc. #2009.51.18]
Earle T. Merchant, Floyd Morris — The Clam Digger, 1963. Oil on canvas panel. [Acc. #2015.029.38]
Charles Hopkinson, The Claude Lorraine Glass, c.1909. Oil on canvas.
Jane Freilicher, Portrait of Gerrit Lansing, c.1950s. Charcoal on paper. [Acc. #2018.026]
Cape Ann is "a singular place," wrote itinerant portrait painter Susannah Paine after an extended visit to the area in 1833. "No one was very rich, and no one very poor; they all seemed on an equality ... Kindness, benevolence and good will, were the most prominent traits of their lives, and characters." In the decades since Paine made these observations, the people of Cape Ann—from the weather beaten faces of men employed in the fishing industry and the granite business to the clear eyed innocence of the sons and daughters of Finnish immigrants—have continued to captivate and inspire artists of many styles.
Explore the Cape Ann Museum's portrait collection and get to know the faces of our community through the work of such varied artists as Benjamin Blyth, Alfred Wiggin and Margaret Fitzhugh Browne.