
Jeff Weaver

My paintings and drawings of Gloucester reflect my long connection to, and fascination with, this unique place.  Its architectural diversity, decaying wharves, and working waterfront have provided me with an intriguing array of subject matter for almost 40 years.

I choose my subjects as often from the commonplace as from the inherently picturesque, looking for that which reveals the city's true personality.  I enjoy the challenge of finding visual interest in scenes which ordinarily go unnoticed. 

As light moves across the landscape, objects are defined or obscured, illuminated or enveloped in shadow.  These shapes and patterns are key elements in my work.  They provide the structure upon which is built a strong graphic image.

While I work in the American Realist tradition, my work is also influenced by developments in 20th century painting and its emphasis on gestural brushwork, line, and compositional structure. 

—Jeff Weaver, Artist's Statement

Jeff Weaver established residence in Gloucester after graduating from the Boston Museum School in the early 1970s.  His early work included commissions for boat portraits from fishing vessel captains, and for murals in commercial establishments and private houses.  The artist has completed more than thirty murals throughout the city.

Returning to fine art pursuits in the 1990s, Weaver again focused on depicting Gloucester and its environs in various media.  He currently operates a studio/gallery on the Gloucester waterfront.

Selected works by Jeff Weaver

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