
Diane KW and Joel Park


Ceramic artist Diane KW divides her time between Hawaii and Cape Ann. Prior to her art career she worked as a neurologist, epidemiologist and researcher in the USA and in Switzerland. KW’s work with ceramics is quite varied, from hand-carved vessels to conceptual collage transformation of ceramic shards. Her work may be seen in many other museum collections including the Honolulu Museum of Art in Hawaii, the Nanchong University Ceramic Museum in China, the Groninger Museum in the Netherlands and the Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg in Florida.

Find out about Diane KW's Strong Breezes Passing Clouds permanent installation here.

Ceramic Artist Joel Park teaches ceramics in Hawaii, specializing in the wheel-thrown vessel. The two artists collaborated on the large vessels in the Cape Ann Museum collection, with Joel creating the vessel on the wheel and Diane carving the designs.

Selected works by Diane KW and Joel Park

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